- Arena 0.25G label CDMS Jan 2008 ld8A0000.pdf
- Arena 50 WDG label Valent ld8A3000.pdf
- Bioworks CEASE Compat sheet_FINAL 4-08.pdf
- Bioworks CEASE container label FEB 07 2008 FINAL.pdf
- Bioworks Cease_MSDS 2-15-08.pdf
- HANDOUT_2008 IPM Nursery Weed Update.pdf
- LY-TPPD-Trunk-Sampling.pdf
- Microsoft PowerPoint - BASF Ornamentals Overview 2008.pdf
- Microsoft PowerPoint - Bioworks presentation from Chris Haye.pdf
- Microsoft PowerPoint - callcott and preston FL IPM workshop .pdf
- Microsoft PowerPoint - IPMU Syngenta Perez Grower2008.pdf
- Microsoft PowerPoint - New Palm Diseases - Phytoplasma and F.pdf
- Microsoft PowerPoint - PMU2008 Mannion Nursery Pests.pdf
- Microsoft PowerPoint - POWERPOINT_2008 IPM Nursery Weed Upda.pdf
- Microsoft PowerPoint - Raymond Miller Vendor 2008 - Nursery.pdf
- Microsoft PowerPoint - Syngenta.Nursery.pdf
- Microsoft PowerPoint - Valent PMU 2008 nursery greenhouse (S.pdf
- Microsoft Word - New Palm Diseases Summary.pdf
- New Palm Diseases - Phytoplasma and Fusarium.pdf
- Pre and Post palm herbicides_EP335_ENH1070.pdf
- Safari 20SG Specimen Label Nov 2007 ld6SM017.pdf
- TetraSan label CDMS March 2008 ld61U004.pdf
- weed control failure_weed ID sources_handout .pdf
- Arena 0.25G label CDMS Jan 2008 ld8A0000.pdf
- Arena 50 WDG label Valent ld8A3000.pdf
- Bioworks CEASE Compat sheet_FINAL 4-08.pdf
- Bioworks CEASE container label FEB 07 2008 FINAL.pdf
- Bioworks Cease_MSDS 2-15-08.pdf
- LY-TPPD-Trunk-Sampling.pdf
- Microsoft PowerPoint - BASF Ornamentals Overview 2008.pdf
- Microsoft PowerPoint - Bioworks presentation from Chris Haye.pdf
- Microsoft PowerPoint - Greening Training for IPMU May20to23 .pdf
- Microsoft PowerPoint - IPMU Syngenta Perez Landscaper2008.pdf
- Microsoft PowerPoint - New Palm Diseases - Phytoplasma and F.pdf
- Microsoft PowerPoint - PMU2008 Mannion Landscape Pests.pdf
- Microsoft PowerPoint - Raymond Miller Vendor 2008 - Landscap.pdf
- Microsoft PowerPoint - Scouting.Denney.pdf
- Microsoft PowerPoint - Syngenta.Landscape.pdf
- Microsoft PowerPoint - Valent PMU 2008 Landscape (Shrinked).pdf
- Microsoft Word - New Palm Diseases Summary.pdf
- New Palm Diseases - Phytoplasma and Fusarium.pdf
- Pre and Post palm herbicides_EP335_ENH1070.pdf
- Safari 20SG Specimen Label Nov 2007 ld6SM017.pdf
- TetraSan label CDMS March 2008 ld61U004.pdf