Monday, February 23, 2009

Hot, Dry Spring Expected

La Niña conditions have recently returned to the Pacific Ocean. La Niña can be thought of as the opposite of El Niño and usually bring a warmer and drier spring season to Florida, central and lower Alabama and central and southern Georgia.
La Niña events in 1999 and 2000 and more recently in early 2006, were associated with an increase in forest fires across Florida and Georgia. Check the recently released AgroClimate Ag Outlook for more information on potential impacts of La Niña on vegetables, row crops, forestry, pasture, fruits, and also a quick overview of potential impacts across the world on:

Clyde Fraisse, Climate Extension Specialist
Agricultural & Biological Engineering
University of Florida - IFAS
P.O. Box 110570
Gainesville, FL 32611-0570
Tel. 352-392-1864 ext 271
Fax 352-392-4092

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Integrated Pest Management Update Class

University of Florida specialists will be providing new information on landscape pests and pest management strategies, scouting and problem diagnosis for landscapes, as well as how to make bio-control work in the landscape.

4 CEUs provided: 1 core and 3 of either O & T; PVT; L & O; LLO or LCLM

Date: Wednesday, March 4 from 9 AM to 1 PM.

To register on line go here: select pesticide CEUs, then look for the Integrated Pest Management Update class.

You can also call Delores at 582-2131 to register.

Texas Phoenix Palm Decline

DPI has Texas Phoenix palm decline on their website under “Hot Topics” (go to There is Pest Alert document, and, more importantly, there is a file with a map illustrating sites documented with TPPD. It was updated Feb. 3 to reflect the Highlands County confirmation.

The EDIS document on TPPD ( is in the process of being updated to reflect the addition of Sabal palmetto to the host list. There will be a link to the DPI map in the updated version.
Texas Phoenix palm decline has been confirmed in two new counties: Highlands County (Lake Placid) on Phoenix canariensis (Canary Island date palm) and Lake County (Mount Dora) on Phoenix dactylifera (date palm).

We are still trying to obtain information about the date palm in Mount Dora, as it is in a relatively new housing development. In general, the vast majority of Phoenix dactylifera are brought from California, but are held in various locations within Florida prior to planting in the landscape. We want to know when the palm was planted, and if was within the last year, was it held in a TPPD known area prior to movement to Mount Dora.

*************************************Dr. Monica L. ElliottProfessor and Associate Center DirectorUniversity of Florida - IFASFort Lauderdale Research and Education Center

UF Bee College

The 2009 UF Bee College is being held on March 20-21 in St. Augustine. The Bee College is the most extensive honey bee educational event in the Southeast. It includes over 40 lectures and workshops on honey bees and beekeeping. No experience is necessary--the Bee College offers all the courses necessary for someone to become a beekeeper!
More information, including registration form, can be found online at
or you can email me ( with your address to receive a brochure in the mail.
Michael K. O'Malley
Extension Coordinator
African bee Extension and Education (AFBEE) Program Honey Bee Research and Extension Lab Entomology and Nematology Department University of Florida PO Box 110620 Gainesville, FL 32611-0620
(352) 392-1901 Ext:189