Thursday, December 10, 2009

Pesticide Registrations and Actions

On October 19, the FDACS approved the registration of Whitmire Micro-Gen Research Laboratories’ Prescription Treatment Sorexa® blocks and place packs (difenacoum) to control rodents at urban and non-urban sites. The EPA registration numbers are 47629-16-499 & 47629-17-499). (FDACS PREC Agenda, 11/5/09).

On November 5, the FDACS approved the registration of Pasteuria Bioscience’s biological control agent Pasteuria usgae (Econem®) for control of sting nematode in turf. The EPA registration number is 85004-2. (FDACS PREC Agenda, 12/3/09).

On October 27, the FDACS approved the registration of Ortho’s herbicide iron pholate (Ecosense®) lawn weed killer for control of broadleaf weeds in lawns. The EPA registration number is 67702-27-239. (FDACS PREC Agenda, 12/3/09).

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Public Hearing on Fertilizer Ordinance

Speak now or forever hold your peace.

This is your opportunity to voice your thoughts on the proposed landscape and fertilizer ordinance. The Pinellas County Board of County Commissioners approved a proposed Fertilizer and Landscape Maintenance Ordinance for advertisement for public hearing. The public hearing will be held @ 6:30 p.m., January 19th, 2010 in the Board Assembly Room on the 5th Floor of the Courthouse, 315 Court Street, Clearwater, FL..

Here is a link to the draft of the ordinance considered at the Dec. 1 meeting: With the exception of the deletion of Section 10 (b) and minor editing, this ordinance will be considered for adoption at the Jan. 19th meeting. The final version of the recommended ordinance will be posted on the County’s website at no later than Jan. 14th, 2010.

Upcoming CEU Day 2010

Need CEUs??? Here is a great opportunity to get them, especially the hard to acquire CEUs in Aquatics, Natural Areas, ROW, Forest Pest Control and others.

Mark your calendar for March 30, 2010. The event starts at 8:30 and ends at 4 PM. All the classes are taught by University of Florida Specialists. A total of 6 CEUs will be provided.

See this link for complete agenda and CEU information:

Registration for this class will be available on our website starting January 4, 2010. You can register for individual classes, or choose the whole series. Here is the link to our registration page:
Remember to tell your friends and colleagues about this opportunity!