Thursday, June 13, 2013

Wind Spreads Pests

As we enter the tropical storm season, please be reminded that plant diseases and insects can be spread by wind. Check out this UF-IFAS EDIS publication by Dewdney and Graham that cites wind as a means of spreading the bacterium causing citrus canker disease (

If you think you have detected a new invasive species due to wind or rain, remember the following-

1. Your local county extension service is your first line of communication for questions regarding management and detection ( )

2. Local Florida county offices have access to our UF-IFAS DDIS (Distance Diagnostic and Information System) for submitting digital images of concern or unknown specimens (

3. Local Florida county offices and the general public can also utilize the services of our statewide Insect Identification Lab (

4. UF-IFAS has extensive Plant Disease Clinic extension services (, please note that sample processing fees may apply)

Have more information on the spread of invasive species through hurricanes or wind that you would like to share this storm season? E-mail me at to post it on UF-IFAS Pest Alert!

This message is from Amanda Hodges, Ph.D., Associate Extension Scientist, Director, Doctor of Plant Medicine, Department of Entomology and Nematology, University of Florida, IFAS

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