Monday, November 3, 2008

Water Restrictions Tightening

SWFWMD has decided to tighten the watering restrictions for Hillsborough, Pasco, and Pinellas counties. The SWFWMD news release is located here:

Also, attached is a fact sheet for St. Petersburg's water customers, since their restrictions differ from what is normally published; the website is another source of information.

The main points - they will no longer be sending warnings to violators, but will go directly to citations that carry fines. Also, hand watering and micro-irrigation are now limited to between 6 p.m. and 8 a.m.. New lawn renovations shall be postponed. Aesthetic fountains and waterfalls, including those on stormwater ponds (unless ponds are augmented with reclaimed water) are limited to four hours of operation a day.

Free Chemical Removal - Operation Cleansweep

Do you have any cancelled, suspended or unusable pesticides that you need to dispose of?

Take advantage of this free program which will pick up from your facility. They need a sufficient quantity of product in a defined area to schedule a pick-up, so the more people that call the better.

See this website for more information

Remember: December 15 is the deadline for requesting a pickup.